Frequently Asked Questions

Which therapist is right for me and my family?

We understand that finding the right therapist can be a bit of a challenge. Maybe you have had negative experiences in the past, or maybe your previous therapist is no longer able to provide services for you forcing you to start over. We work to help guide you through this process and pair you with the therapist that is best for your needs. If outside services are needed, then we work hard to collaborate and work as a team so that you receive the best treatment possible.

How does it work? What do I have to do in sessions?

Because each person has different concerns and goals for therapy, therapy will be different depending on the individual. We tailor our therapeutic approach to your specific needs. We never want this process to bring added stress, but rather a sense of relief for you/your family. We work alongside you to provide treatment that serves your needs best.

What is the difference between talking to you versus my best friend or family?

A mental health professional can help you approach your situation in a new way– teach you new skills, gain different perspectives, listen to you without judgment or expectations, and help you listen to yourself. Furthermore, therapy is completely confidential. You won’t have to worry about others “knowing your business.” Lastly, if your situation provokes a great deal of negative emotion, if you’ve been confiding in a friend or family member, there is the risk that once you are feeling better you could start avoiding that person so you aren’t reminded of this difficult time in your life.

Since services are private pay, is there a way to get reimbursement from my insurance?

We pride ourselves on providing the best services possible for our clients, and this has led us to not working directly with insurance providers. Insurance has the right to dictate the longevity of your services without taking into account effective treatment. We are considered out-of-network providers, which means that you CAN file a claim for out-of-network reimbursement. Through our Simple Practice system we are able to provide clients with superbills which will contain all information needed for the client to file for reimbursement.

Helpful Links

The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information. Please also check the additional links  provided for physical health  for a more comprehensive understanding of your over-all well-being. The following is not meant to be a comprehensive list, nor is it an endorsement of the content of the sites.

Associations & Institutes

Suicide Awareness and Hotlines


Anxiety Disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Addiction and Recovery

Eating Disorders

Personality Disorders

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Developmental Disorders


  • provides up-to-date information about prescription and over-the-counter medications, including details about associated side effects.

  • is a comprehensive database with information and news alerts about potentially dangerous drugs currently on the market or previously available worldwide.

Contact us.


3657 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 155

Orlando, Florida 32803